Health Evaluator

The program allows you to enter your own health data and targets and the evaluator will calculate the recoverable losses or profit opportunities available to you if you achieve your targets. You can then track your economic performance over time and work with your vet on your key priorities based on economic performance using bespoke targets and costs.

Key Features

  • Simple and quick entry of health data and targets
  • Creates reports and graphs illustrating economic benefits of improving health in pence per litre, or cost per herd or animal
  • Provides a full economic analysis allowing you to use your own targets and costs
  • No “double counting” of health and disease costs providing you with credible and believable costs benefits
  • Provides costings of culling, fertility, youngstock, udder health, lameness, metabolic disease and sick animals
  • Groups of farmers can compare economic performance anonymously for benchmarking purposes

herd health evaluator