Johne’s Workstream

The effective control of Johne’s disease is an essential component of successful cattle farming.

The Myhealthyherd Johne’s Workstream is part of Disease Manager Plus, but has also been provided as a standalone module for some farmers taking part in funded projects such as SWHLI.

The Johne’s Workstream allows you to manage and prioritise the risks of Johne’s disease in your herd and work with your vet to create your own personalised control plan based on your own resources and likely levels of disease within the herd.

Herds that are infected will be able to reduce their levels on infection and those that have low levels of disease will be able to protect their herd status. Herds with low or zero prevalence have an option to use the Health Visa to sell their breeding livestock at a premium.

Watch this brief clip to see how myhealthyherd offers a solution to controlling Johne’s in your herd – fully compliant with the new National Johne’s Management Plan (“NJMP”).

[embedplusvideo height=”300″ width=”450″ editlink=”” standard=”″ vars=”ytid=fSuoIspWyms&width=450&height=300&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep6508″ /]

Key features:

  • Ability to assess and predict the likelihood of Johne’s entering your herd using a traffic light scoring system
  • Estimate the risks of disease spread within the herd graphing and displaying the major risks for management
  • Predict your future levels of disease within your own herd based on your risks and results
  • Set up testing programs to reliably assess the level of disease in your herd
  • Store all lab results within the program for easy reference
  • Ability to create a bespoke plan based on 7 possible control strategies and 30 control points
  • Check that your control plan will work using our unique “Robustness Checker”
  • Review your risks on a regular basis making sure you are still on track for control
  • Print off clearly defined plans for all staff to follow
  • Work closely with your vet to manage the disease effectively
  • Compliant with all major testing programs

We are also offering a complete BVD & Johne’s programme for veterinary practices – click here for more information.

Why not have a look at the videos below:

Johne’s Disease Whiteboard

An Introduction to Johnes Control and Protection