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Are you controlling Johne’s Disease, or are you just testing for it?

By October 2016, the majority of UK dairy farmers are expected to commit to effective JD reduction using the structured National Johne’s Management Plan (NJMP).

Farmers will need to be supported on this journey because doing “something” about Johne’s is easy; creating a robust and effective plan that works is much harder – 80% control can end up with 100% failure!

To help vets and farmers achieve NJMP objectives, myhealthyherd has developed a dedicated module where you can:

  • Assess the risks of Johne’s entry and spread with traffic-light scoring of outcomes. The risk assessment is the cornerstone of effective control
  • Define a strategic surveillance and control plan
  • Record training events to show your combined commitment to the program
  • Electronically sign-off the completed plan
  • Access videos and information about Johne’s Disease using our newly released Knowledge Hub

Why not have a look at the short video below which gives you an overview of how the NJMP module works; further information about the Knowledge Hub can be found here.

Both the NJMP module and the Knowledge Hub are available as part of our premium subscription package – vets can have a look at what they have to offer using the Play Farm, which can be accessed from their Practice Dashboard.

Posted: September 2, 2015